Activity of Daily Living

Development Delay

Activity of Daily Living

The Activities of Daily Living refer to a series of basic or routine activities performed by individuals on a daily basis in order to take care of ourselves, and assist with independent living at home or in the community. There is not a fixed list of ADL's, as they depend on the age of the person, their interests, the culture they live in, etc. When we talk about children, we usually refer to the basic activities of daily living which include feeding, eating, dressing, toileting, hygiene (bathing, oral hygiene, etc.) and moving around the house. There are five basic categories.

There are five basic categories

  • Personal Hygiene such bathing, grooming and oral care
  • Dressing including the ability to make appropriate clothing decisions
  • Eating, the ability to feed oneself although not necessarily prepare food
  • Maintaining Continence or the ability to use a restroom
  • Transferring oneself from seated to standing and get in and out of bed